He Used To Be An Exotic Dancer!

Published: Feb. 10, 2022, 1:29 p.m.

Harper and Alex have been dating for about a year and before they started dating Alex used to be an exotic dancer. Harper is okay with this because he’s not done it anymore, but she has noticed that Alex is buying flashier clothes the past few weeks and she’s starting to get concerned. Harper has also noticed that Alex is working longer at night and he brings a gym bag with him to work. She decided to go through Alex’s phone and say that his Venmo had several payments with a guy dancing emoji as the only description.

We call Alex pretending to send him a free bouquet of flowers and when we ask him who he wants them sent to, Alex asks if he can send eleven flowers to Harper and if he can keep one of the flowers to use as a prop. Find out what‘s really going on in today’s all NEW War of the Roses!