He Sent Me A Late-Night Love Text!

Published: Jan. 5, 2023, 2:38 p.m.

b'Amber and Nick have been together for ten months and things have been great so far! Nick normally has to travel for work every other weekend, which Amber was fine with, but last night Amber got a text from Nick while he\\u2019s in Austin for work that she assumed he was drunk because he was overtly professing his love for her. This made Amber feel a little suspicious that Nick was trying to admit some guilt to Amber and she\\u2019s starting to worry other things may have happened because she has also never met any of Nick\\u2019s coworkers.

We call Nick pretending to work at the hotel he\\u2019s currently staying at in Austin and offer him a couple\\u2019s massage for two and flowers and Nick says he\\u2019ll be doing it with someone named Maggie and wants the flower card to say \\u201cthere\\u2019s more where that came from.\\u201d Find out what\\u2018s really going on in today\\u2019s all NEW War of the Roses!