He Paid With A Gift Card!

Published: July 25, 2022, 1:54 p.m.

b'Jamie and Chris have been together for two years and three months ago they recently got engaged. Things have been great, but Jamie recently noticed that Chris has someone named \\u201cMolly Tinder\\u201d in his contacts still when he asked her to call his mom while he was driving the other day. At the same time Jamie noticed that Chris paid for dinner with a VISA gift card when he normally doesn\\u2019t pay that way and she\\u2019s worried that something may be going on.

We call Chris pretending to send him a free bouquet of flowers and when we ask him as to who he wants flowers sent to, Chris asks if they can be sent to Jamie! Find out what\\u2018s really going on in today\\u2019s all NEW War of the Roses!'