He Kept Inviting My Best Friend Over!

Published: Nov. 27, 2023, 1:35 p.m.

b'Kendall and Alex have been together for a little over two years and because Alex is a full-time DJ he is usually busy on weekends so they spend the weekdays together at each other\\u2019s place. Kendall told us that things have been great for the most part, but this past weekend her friend Ashley told Kendall that Alex took her back to his place because she drank a little too much. Kendall also tells us that she is starting to realize that this happens almost every time Ashley goes out and that Alex tells her to crash at his place and she\\u2019s starting to worry that something else is going on behind her back.

We call Alex pretending to be The Morning Bull Ride and when we ask him who the last person he saw naked was, Alex says Ashley! Find out what\\u2018s really going on in today\\u2019s all NEW War of the Roses!'