He Has A Ton Of "Horses In The Race!"

Published: Jan. 24, 2022, 12:29 p.m.

Hannah and Kenny went on their first date last week after first meeting on Hinge and a few day after the date, one of Hannah's friends messaged her asking about going out with him. Apparently in someone's Instagram story they were in the back of the photo and Hannah's friend told her that Kenny currently has a girlfriend. Hannah had no idea about the girlfriend because they even went back to his place at the end of the night. Hannah found out that Kenny was lying to his girlfriend and told her that he was out at a boys night!

We call Kenny pretending to offer him a free dinner for Valentine's Day and when we ask him as to who he wants to enjoy the dinner with, Kenny says he has a "couple of horses in the race" and doesn't want to commit to putting one person's name down. Find out what‘s really going on in today’s all NEW War of the Roses!