He Had Two Different Numbers For His Mom!

Published: March 7, 2024, 2:23 p.m.

b'Becca and Tom have been dating for a little over five months and for the most part Becca tells us thing had been going well until recently. The other day Becca was using Tom\\u2019s phone and noticed he had two different contact names for his mom and someone named \\u201cMomma.\\u201d She also has noticed that whenever Tom gets a call from either one that he acts differently and walks out of the room whenever \\u201cMomma\\u201d calls. Becca also looked at the texts Tom was sending each person and saw that Tom was sending explicit photos to \\u201cMomma\\u201d and she\\u2019s pretty much convinced something is going on.

We call Tom pretending to send him a free bouquet of flowers and when we ask him who he wants to send the flowers to, Tom asks if we can send them to someone named Grace who he claims is a friend he\\u2019s reconnecting with. Find out what\\u2019s really going on in this week\\u2019s War Of The Roses!