He Had Hidden Restraints In His Room!

Published: Feb. 7, 2022, 12:32 p.m.

Amy and Andrew have been dating for two years and while Andrew is currently out of town this week in Pittsburgh for work, he asked Amy to help clean his place because his parents are visiting from out of town. Amy gladly said she'd help, but when she was cleaning his bedroom, she found restraints, clamps, and toys that she has never used with Andrew. Amy tells us that she hasn't been to his place in six months because he always goes over to her place, but she's starting to think someone else is in the picture and that Andrew might not even be in Pittsburgh.

We call Andrew pretending to work at the front desk of his hotel and when we ask Andrew about why he's staying at the hotel, he says he often comes to the hotel and that he's meeting someone named Aubrey at the hotel! Find out what‘s really going on in today’s all NEW War of the Roses!