He Didn't Want To Go On Our Spring Break Trip!

Published: March 3, 2022, 1:34 p.m.

Hannah and Alex have been together for five years and married for three of the years and while everything has gone great, the past few weeks have been weird because Alex wants Hannah to go on a girls trip. They normally go on vacation together for Spring Break, but this year Alex keeps pushing Hannah to go with the girls instead. However, Hannah has also noticed that Alex has been acting over-protective over his phone and computer whenever she is around. She’s worried something is going on and Alex has something planned during the Spring Break trip.

We call Alex pretending to offer him a free couple’s massage and when we ask him who we should put down as his +1, Alex asks if we’re available during the dates Hannah is gone for Spring Break and to put someone named Amber down with him. Find out what‘s really going on in today’s all NEW War of the Roses!