He Didn't Give Me The Necklace!

Published: Feb. 15, 2024, 2:22 p.m.

b'Renee and Phil have been dating for a little over two months after first matching on Tinder and going on dates for a few weeks before making it official. Renee tells us that ever since they started dating that her friends and family haven\\u2019t been fans of Phil. Apparently Phil works in HVAC and they think his weird hours and the fact that he hasn\\u2019t come to anything are actually signs of something else and don\\u2019t trust him. The other day Renee decided to clean up Phil\\u2019s room while he was taking a shower and found a Tiffany box with a necklace inside in his nightstand that she thought was for her for Valentine\\u2019s Day, but she never got the necklace and they went for a lunch date because Phil had to work at night. Renee asks for our help just to figure out if she should trust Phil or side with her family.
We call Phil pretending to work for Tiffany & Co. asking about his necklace purchase. When we ask Phil about his necklace he says he is giving it to someone tonight and their name is Hannah. Find out what\\u2018s really going on in today\\u2019s all NEW War of the Roses!'