He Can't Stop Thinking About Their Third!

Published: March 28, 2024, 1:19 p.m.

b'Kayla and Mitch have been dating for a little over a year and a half after fooling around with one another before they became official. Kayla tells us that both she and Mitch are open with one another when it comes to their sex life and they have even spiced things up by inviting a third named Tiffany into the bedroom. Kayla tells us she wasn\\u2019t really a fan so they ended things with Tiffany. However, Kayla has started to notice that Mitch keeps bringing up Tiffany in random conversations and they also haven\\u2019t been sexually active since ending things with Tiffany. Kayla asks for our help to see if Mitch is up to something because she\\u2019s starting to worry. \\xa0

We call Mitch pretending to be The Morning Bull Ride and ask him who the last person he saw naked was; however, Mitch asks if he can list the last TWO people he saw naked. Find out what\\u2019s really going on in this week\\u2019s War Of The Roses!'