He Bought New Suits!

Published: June 30, 2022, 2:17 p.m.

Casey and Dave have been dating for two years and have lived together for most of their relationship because of the pandemic. For the most part things have been great, but Casey has noticed that the past few months Dave has been working out more, cutting back on alcohol, and bought new suits. However, Casey has never seen Dave wear any of the suits he has bought and he normally doesn’t have to wear a suit to work if he goes in and Casey is worried he bought everything for someone else.

We call Dave pretending to work for the place he bought the suit at and when we ask him as to why he was buying new suits, Dave tells us to change up his fashion style. However, when we ask Dave if he wants free flowers from us, he tells us he is in the middle of a breakup? Find out what‘s really going on in today’s all NEW War of the Roses!