#8: Interview – Luke Larson of Sojourner Tracks

Published: Jan. 21, 2020, 2:23 a.m.

In Episode 8, Douglas and Matt discuss Luke's music background and his new venture, "Soujourner Tracks". Luke has written a book on music theory called "Roadmap to Practical Music Theory" and is on a mission to help songwriters. Find his book here https://sojournertracks.com/ and even download chapter 1 for free! Luke is giving away the ebook to Indie Music Podcast listeners who subscribe to his mailing list and email him mentioning Indie Music Podcast. You can find both subscribe and contact buttons on his home page. Also find Sojourner Tracks on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/sojournertracks/ and on Instagram @soujournertracks

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