Episode 28: The Mondavi Family

Published: March 13, 2013, 1:55 p.m.

b'The legendary Mondavi Family joins Joe Campanale for a very special episode of In The Drink. Joe is in studio with Michael, Rob Jr., and Dina Mondavi who share stories and insights about their winemaking process, maintaining the family business and the special terroir of the Napa valley. Tune in as they taste three different wines on air - The 2010 Emblem Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon, The M by Michael Mondavi Cabernet Sauvignon and The Isabel Mondavi Chardonnay. Find out what plans are on the horizon for the historic family winery and how each of the Mondavis does everything they can to continue the traditions and consistency of quality that Robert Mondavi started! This program was sponsored by The International Culinary Center. The original Chardonnays were made in large redwood or concrete tanks - they werent made in stainless steel or oak barrels. In the mid 70s we got into oak and like anything at first we went too far. Many Chardonnays did not have balance - they literally fought food. I think now weve come back to where balance is important. You want the flavor of the grape, a kiss of the oak. You want it to be interesting and compliment the food, not overpower it. [7:30] Wine is supposed to cleanse the palate excite the taste buds and invite you to have another sip of the wine or more taste of the food. [25:00] --Michael Mondavi on In the Drink Growing up Mondavi was the only life I had so I have nothing to compare it to, but it has great perks. The downside is that when you call in sick everybody comes to bring you soup when you really just wanted the day off. Its been a blessing to work in this family my favorite thing to do is come in and work with my brother and father. [29:00] --Dina Mondavi on In the Drink'