Martha - Every Day the Hope Gets Harder

Published: Nov. 24, 2022, 8 a.m.


Martha - Hope Gets Harder from the 2022 album Please Don\'t Take Me Back on Specialist Subject.

British pop-punkers Martha have been spreading messages of anarchy since 2014 when they released their debut album Courting Strong. They\\u2019ve dropped three more records since, with the latest being this year\\u2019s Please Don\\u2019t Take Me Back. The record proves that the band from a small town called Pity Me continue to pity no one, especially the Powers That Be controlling the state of the UK.

Our Song of the Day, \\u201cHope Gets Harder,\\u201d hones in on this idea, targeting the rich and powerful who are killing hope and optimism at a rapid rate. \\u201cDrain the blood from every diamond /On this damp and hateful island,\\u201d they cry over a sprititedly brisk riff before closing the song with the pointed claim, \\u201cEvery day the hope gets harder/ England is a funeral parlor.\\u201d

In a lengthy statement about the song, the band don\\u2019t mince words on what they mean by that:

\\u201c\\u2018Hope Gets Harder\\u2019 is a song about England: a uniquely fucking terrible idea,\\u201d the band said in a statement. \\u201cA place governed by the most absurdly mediocre people in history. Selfish, rich, thick, malevolent ghouls propped up by a bootlicking, self-congratulating, stenographic, client-journalist news media that puts North Korea to shame. England is a grey, damp artifice, vibrating to a quasi-fascist background hum, where the majority live miserable hopeless lives, so that a tiny minority can live in extravagant luxury. As we lurch violently from one crisis to the next, it feels like the light of any hope for the future is slowly dying. But we have to try and find hope in one another, and together we have to fight like hell for a more socially and ecologically just world. No fate but what we make for ourselves. Abolish england. Fuck the king.\\u201d

Watch the cleverly illustrated music video for \\u201cHope Gets Harder\\u201d by Nathan Stephens-Griffin and read the full post at

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