Gabriel Teodros - An Open Letter to My Cousins in Israel

Published: Nov. 24, 2023, 8 a.m.


Gabriel Teodros - "An Open Letter to My Cousins in Israel" from the 2023 self-released album From the Ashes of Our Homes

Today\'s Song of the Day comes from beloved local artist/activist (and former KEXP DJ)\\xa0Gabriel Teodros, whose powerful latest LP,\\xa0From the Ashes of Our Homes, reflects deeply on the theme of losing your home, whether to an actual fire (as in the case of Teodros himself) or to the pandemic, climate change, or war. In the case of today\'s Song of the Day, that home is Palestine, a place, as he sings, "where the soldiers show up and they look like us."\\xa0

As he writes on Facebook:

I wrote this song thinking of all Ethiopians in the diaspora as \\u201ccousins\\u201d not knowing I had actual cousins in the IDF. I knew it was possible though.
Today I just found out one of our little cousins got summoned to the front lines out there.
To be scared for someone and scared about what they might do.
Sending love to everyone resisting war, resisting occupation, resisting the killing of innocent people.
We all have to do what we can to stop a genocide.
Resist. Free Palestine.

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