The Past Remembers

Published: Jan. 25, 2020, 11 p.m.

b'Title by Ashleigh Phillips\\xa0\\nCraig lives as an 80s musician but has dreams of future songs. Constantly torn between the future and the present has pushed his relationship with his girlfriend Rhonda to the brink. Can Craig balance his love life with pushing music to it\'s limits?\\nSong List:\\xa0"Living in the 80s", "I Remember the Future", "Dreams are my Specialty", "Single Ladies (My Version)", "Rhonda", "Honey it Looks like I Shrunk My Hate", "The Best Thing about being in the 80s"\\nLove Impromptunes? Find our Patreon Page here for bonus content:\\n\\nGet tickets for our upcoming live shows here:\\xa0\\nAdelaide:\\xa0\\nMelbourne:\\xa0\\nCast: Brenna Glazebrooke, Izaak Lim, Morgan Phillips and David Peake on keys\\nTeched by Emmet Nichols\\nEdited by Morgan Phillips'