Dolly Parton - The Untold Story

Published: July 28, 2019, midnight

b"Title by The Cover Girls AU\\nThroughout history, mankind has looked to the heavens and asked one question; \\u201cHow did Dolly Parton get her start in the music industry?\\u201d. Well we have the answers. Join us for an adventure filled with talented animals, dangerous stairs and friendly ghosts.\\nSong List: It's a Beautiful Day (In the South)/ I Can Sing (I Can Do Anything)/ What a beautiful town/ I Won't Be a Chicken/ Home Is Where the Heart Is\\nLove Impromptunes? Find our Patreon Page here:\\n\\nCast: Jack O\\u2019Riley, Izaak Lim, Lauren Jimmieson and Hayden Dun on keys\\nTeched by Emmet Nichols\\nEdited by Morgan Phillips"