Damn This Polyester - Let Me Breathe

Published: Feb. 29, 2020, 11 p.m.

b'Title by\\xa0Michael Ralph\\nJeremy wants to be a star in the high school musical but he\'s always being shown up by Greta Rose, the favourite of Mr. Johnson. However, Jeremy has some costume ideas that are gonna change everything.\\xa0\\nSong List:\\xa0"Damn this Polyester", "Stepping Out to the Front", "Jam", "No More Back-Stabbing", "Baby, Put Me On Show", "Plans of Jam and Death", "A New Count of Eight"\\nSee Impromptunes in Melbourne:\\nhttps://www.comedyfestival.com.au/2020/shows/the-completely-improvised-musical\\nCast: Emmet Nichols, Alexia Brinsley, David Peake on keys and special guest\\xa0Josh Monaghan\\nEdited by Morgan Phillips'