#194 - Mike Vecchione: The Andrew Schulz Model, How to Win Over Any Audience Albums vs. Specials - Comedy Podcast

Published: Dec. 16, 2019, 5 p.m.

Mike Vecchione is a 20 year comedy veteran with appearances on everything from his Comedy Central special to Jimmy Fallon and all his award winning album releases. This episode is a rare peak behind the mentality of a seasoned professional still trying to "figure it out." You will leave this interview with a new perspective on your comedy goals and how to achieve them. Enjoy! Listeners will learn about:  Writing vs. performing jokes Creating organic material When to edit your jokes How to win over any audience Performance techniques Releasing an album vs. comedy special How to promote your comedy The Andrew Schulz model How to be playful on stage Controlling silence on stage Join the Hot Breath! Patreon: https://bit.ly/HotBreathPatreon (bit.ly/HotBreathPatreon) Connect with other listeners in our secret facebook group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/HotBreathComedyNetwork/ (https://www.facebook.com/groups/HotBreathComedyNetwork/) DONATE to Hot Breath! Here:https://bit.ly/HotBreathSupport (https://bit.ly/HotBreathSupport) Subscribe to our YouTube:https://bit.ly/HotBreathSubscribe (https://bit.ly/HotBreathSubscribe) Get more podcast content and merch on our website website:  https://hotbreathpodcast.com/ (https://hotbreathpodcast.com/) Learn more about Joel here:http://www.joelbyarscomedy.com/ (http://www.JoelByarsComedy.com/) IF YOU'RE INTERESTED IN STARTING YOUR OWN PODCAST, JOIN JOEL'S ONLINE PODCASTING COURSE HERE:https://www.udemy.com/howtostartapodcast/ (https://www.udemy.com/howtostartapodcast/)GET $10 OFF WITH COUPON CODE: HOTBREATHPOD If you haven’t done so already, please take a minute and leave a quick rating and review of the show on Apple Podcast by clicking on the link below. It will help us to keep sharing comedy mastery to you every week! https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/hot-breath-podcast/id1023241336?mt=2 (Click Here to Subscribe via Apple Podcast) https://open.spotify.com/show/4bHWj6UDCdywTnDdmMtECl (Click Here to Subscribe via Spotify) Link to Joel's Comedy Writing Book:https://comicsplaybook.com/product/finding-your-funny/ ( https://ComicsPlaybook.com/product/finding-your-funny/)  Join the Joel Byars E-mail List:http://eepurl.com/bRcmHr ( http://eepurl.com/bRcmHr)