Write Your Own Headlines

Published: Aug. 26, 2021, 11 a.m.

Morning Mantra: “Everyone has inside them a piece of good news.”
If we depend on the printed headline for our view of the world it can be quite upsetting and discouraging.  There is a saying in the media, “If it bleeds it leads.” And when you read the news it’s easy to see that they believe this.
I’d rather not let them tell me how to view the world, how people are treating each other, and what the future of humanity is.
Today I will write my own headlines from my own life:
Husband cherishes wife.
Mother weeps at the birth of her beautiful child.
Teenager teaches younger brother to play the guitar.
Entire community cleans up playground.
96 year old gets taken care of and adored by daughter.
Dog reunited with owners.
Find the good news and let it fill your headlines. Let your worries about the state of our world float away on the promise that life is good, people are amazing, and everything will be okay.
Quote: Anne Frank
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