Heal from Trauma

Published: March 12, 2021, noon

Morning Mantra: "If you never heal from what hurt you, you will bleed to death on people that didn't cut you."
Every person on this planet has suffered some sort of trauma.  Especially over the past year.
When we are hurt, it is human nature to close off  and protect ourselves from more pain.
Trauma teaches you to close your heart and armor up. 
Avoiding emotional pain is necessary to protect yourself when you are in the depths of your trauma, but eventually you must face it, feel it and walk through it.
Healing teaches you to open your heart and feel again. 
Healing helps you choose your feelings.
Healing doesn't mean the pain never existed, it means it no longer controls you.
Healing helps you not express your pain on those that had nothing to do with creating it.

#BeWillingToFaceThePainAndHeal  #BeHappy #BeHorsey #BeHippie #HorseHippie #MorningMantra #InspirationalQuotes