Get Out of Your Head

Published: Nov. 24, 2020, noon

Morning Mantra: "Get out of your head and back to your heart and soul."  
When bad things happen I over think....a lot.  It's part of the anxiety I deal with.  I think I can control things if I know every angle.  I will have trouble making a decision because I get paralyzed from all the choices.

The truth is over thinking solves nothing.  It actually creates MORE anxiety.  Your mind operates from the ego.  The nagging thoughts that care about what other people think, how you look, how people have treated you.  It thinks about past mistakes, it worries about failure.

Your heart operates from love.  Love of yourself and of others.  It's best to let love be your GUIDE when making your next BEST step.  What that step should be comes from your soul.

Your soul is your pure essence.  The knowledge you were born with. 
Your soul is who you really are, what makes you happy, what makes you feel safe, comfortable and true.

Your instincts are messages from the soul.  Be still and listen to them.  Your soul always knows what to do, the challenge is to silence the mind.
#BeStillAndKnow  #BeHappy #BeHorsey #BeHippie #HorseHippie #MorningMantra #InspirationalQuotesAboutLife