THE INKWELL CHRONICLES by J. D. Peabody, read by Fenella Fudge - audiobook extract

Published: Sept. 7, 2022, 11:24 a.m.

b'Immerse yourself in this fast-paced middle-grade fantasy about magic ink, a secret society and a boy who yearns to make his mark.\\n\\nWhen their father goes missing after a mysterious train crash, Everett and his little sister, Bea, find a curious pen in his belongings, and its magical Ink begins to rewrite their once-ordinary lives. The Ink leads them to a world they never knew existed\\u2014one teeming with impossible magic, formidable allies and villains who are determined to destroy everything they hold dear. Together, Everett and Bea embark on an adventure through secret tunnels in England and Scotland to find and protect the last Inkwell, and ultimately to save their father. But in order to do so, Everett must find a way to tap into the most magical power of all: his courage. \\n\\nThis classic battle of good and evil pits creativity against the forces that would seek to blot it out for good.'