A Story of Surviving the Chaos of Addiction in The Family.

Published: July 29, 2022, 3 p.m.

Patricia is no stranger to the ravages of substance use disorders and gang life. She has lost 12 family members, most recently as 2 years ago. She felt helpless and hopeless as she watched one of her children fall into the life:

"When your child is on the streets and using, you internalize it and put all the blame on yourself and you don't understand how it rewires the child's brain. I had to relearn how to parent and give up the role of mom and realize that I wasn't talking to my child anymore but to the drug."

Trying to navigate this situation alone, Patricia recognized there was a lack of understanding and knowledge about what loved ones were experiencing and that she, and many others,

including those leaving treatment, needed more support so she started the Crystal Meth Caring Support Circle in November 2019.

"When I started the circle, I wasn't sure how it was going to develop -- I knew I needed a safe place not only for myself to find other parents that could support me and build the circle, but the most important was I needed a safe place for my daughter and others like her, after treatment."

3 years later the circle has grown and supports not only persons and families suffering the harms of crystal meth but all other substances as well and is now operating as the Family Addictions Healing Circle.

"It has evolved into a loving compassionate place for everyone in terms of aftercare. As far as I am aware, we are the only group that combines both the recovering and the families together."

Please join us next week on Phoenix Fire to hear Patricia's inspiring story and learn more about the ground-breaking support model she has developed.

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Stronger Together Canada Peer Led Support Groups by Moms Stop the Harm
Are you struggling with the substance use of a loved one? Go to

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Prairie Sky Recovery Centre

Info on the Graduate Certificate Program in Substance Use Health and Wellbeing here https://grad.usask.ca/programs/substance-use-health-and-wellbeing.php#Program

The Elizabeth Fry Society of Saskatchewan