18. Networking?! Meet Lisa- Director of Women who Code and Software Engineering Manager at Netflix! Sharing Her Insights with us About Networking, Interviewing and Women in Tech!

Published: Sept. 29, 2021, noon


Todays episode we're so thrilled to connect with Lisa Shissler Smith!


Lisa is an Engineering Manager at Netflix and a Director for Women Who Code. She lives near Raleigh, NC with her husband and their 5 children. She is passionate about inclusion and diversity, and has spoken to groups large and small about recruiting and retention. Outside of work, she enjoys cooking, video games, desk dancing, and all things small. @smithwebsmith on twitter /smithwebsmith on LinkedIn



We talk about networking in tech and how to do it, ways to ask questions around inclusion



Connect with us:


Adrienne- https://www.linkedin.com/in/adrienne-dinkelacker-b067322/


Loreen- https://www.linkedin.com/in/loreen-dinkelacker-08387863/



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