11. From Getting Laid off to Being Featured on the BBC- One Woman's Story of Resilience

Published: April 28, 2021, 4:24 p.m.


Today is a special day, because we\\u2019re here with, Amanda Ewing, Amanda had been working for 16 years in the corporate world, when a business merger left her career at a crossroad. Faced with uncertainty, she pushed aside her fears and took first steps toward finding a more fulfilling career and developing her most extraordinary life.


At a workbench outside of Nashville, TN, Amanda produces wood, stringed instruments by hand, and is carving a new path for herself dedicated to joy and creativity.


\\u201cI decided to open my life up to amazing possibilities, and my work as a luthier just fell into place. It feels like I didn\\u2019t choose to become a violin maker,\\u201d says Amanda. \\u201cViolin making choose me.\\u201d


We talk about:


- Obstacles that come up when being laid off


- What tools helped Amanda to find her joy


- How she navigated uncertainty while being laid off


- What opportunities came from following her dreams


- Whats its like to be the first


- Why representation matters


To learn more and connect with Amanda, you can follow her on instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/lovinglyamanda/?hl=en


Connect with us:


Adrienne- https://www.linkedin.com/in/adrienne-dinkelacker-b067322/


Loreen- https://www.linkedin.com/in/loreen-dinkelacker-08387863/



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