Business Continuity: Preparing for H1N1 and Beyond

Published: July 30, 2009, 8:01 p.m.

b'Interview with Alan Berman of DRI International and AnneMarie Staley of NYSE\\n\\n

The H1N1 threat has put business continuity and disaster recovery (BC/DR) in the headlines. But behind the scenes, the discipline has long been active in helping global organizations respond to myriad natural and man-made disasters.\\n\\n

In a discussion about H1N1 and other BC/DR issues, Alan Berman of DRI International and AnneMarie Staley of NYSE touch upon:\\n\\n

The biggest threats and regulatory challenges facing global organizations;
How to apply "Think Global, Act Local" to BC/DR;
What organizations must do now to respond to the H1N1 threat.

Alan Berman

Berman, the Executive Director of DRI International, is a CBCP, a member of the ASIS BS25999 technical committee, a member of the Committee of Experts for ANSI-ANAB, a former member of the NY City Partnership for Security and Risk Management and the co-chair for the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation committee to create the new standard for the US Private Sector Preparedness Act (PL 110-53). Over a career that has spanned 25 years, he has served as a President and CIO for a major financial institution, National Practice Leader for Operational Resiliency for PricewaterhouseCoopers and Global Business Continuity practice leader for Marsh.\\n\\n\\n

AnneMarie Staley

Staley is the Senior Manager of Business Continuity Planning and Disaster Recovery for North America for NYSE Euronext, which includes the New York Stock Exchange in New York. She is responsible for managing all aspects of the US-based business continuity and disaster recovery efforts. These efforts include risk assessment, business impact analysis, disaster recovery scenario development and response strategies, contingency plans, exercises, and training & awareness campaigns.'