Episode 3.8 - Just A Cup-Pa Lectures

Published: Aug. 13, 2013, 6:54 p.m.

b'This\\n episode of GleeKast is brought to you by The Plague. The Plague: \\nkeeping civilization from reaching its potential since civilization was \\nborn. In other news, a dying Emily and a recovering from dying Erica \\nteam up to bring you coverage on Hold On To 16, aka the episode that \\ninvolves Sectionals, meerkat faces, contrived Asian arcs, and Quinn \\ngetting lectured. A lot. We leave you with the question of what the \\nworld needs now: doctors or dancers? Since Emily is dying, she says \\ndoctors, but that\'s beside the point. Send feedback to gleekast@gmail.com and party on the Palavr.com boards, plague-free since 2010.'