How Do You Create $7 Billion Worth of Broadband Innovation?

Published: June 6, 2012, 4 p.m.

b"$7 billion later it's a good time to ask, are we going to see world-stopping innovation? After all, innovation is one of the cool byproducts all of these investments in broadband are supposed to produce.\\n Explore what innovation means when communities have highspeed Internet access, particularly when they own the resource. Inntelligent Community Forum Co-Founder Robert Bell gives listeners a national and international perspective of what we can realistically expect broadband to deliver.\\n More importantly, *how* do we produce great innovation? Is it the speed of the broadband pipe? Is innovation dependent on other technologies integrated with broadband? Does the community shape innovation, or do you create a certain type of environment and innovation is sure to follow?\\n These and other important questions help you shape your broadband plan."