RFL X-Country - June 2016

Published: June 6, 2016, 3:15 a.m.

The snails really had a great time at this years Castle home and Garden contest. We all did. Thanks also to Wildstar Beaumont for his great photos some of which we used in the show, You can see more of them here. https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipOc6XZIW7OOuCpM8aj1ktcylxquI9nizlsSGFHEnzUlfl-hHeQxu_tMMkP4sJvQ6Q?key=VjFnSjhXdHAyN1hCRm01QVRnQV9VaWU4UXNicF93 and here https://www.flickr.com/photos/wildstar_b/26871170144/?v=1&fb_ref=Default Announcers RacerX Gullwing, Mae Best, Oodlemi Noodle, Shayna Paine, Tindallia Soothsayer, Loopy String, Petlove Petshop, Lobbie Riggles, Fukuju Amaterasu Giant Racing Snail Caleb Kit, Babypea (babypeavonphoenix.bikergrrl), Oodlemi Noodle, Cally Kane, Starr Fearne, Lulee Babenco, Lobbie Riggles Taranis 'Tara' Ancalinon (nevannarence), Fukuju Amaterasu, Queenie Promise (queeniepromise), S.i.d. (sidonie.carlberg), Little Miss Waffle (cuddly.waffle), Abby Black (littleabs), Henrietta Demina, Tindallia Soothsayer, loopy String, (tuor)Tuor Resident, Alden Cortes, NevannaRence Resident Some of our music we use during the race is by my good friend ,Alazarin Mobius Credits music by, Alazarin Mobius Cosmodrome, is on the album Reticulated Splines and during the race we used his song Space_Patrol is on the album Iaxartes Tholus. You can buy them at http://alazarinmobius.bandcamp.com, by The Invisible Band! Thanks Man!!