Harryette Mullen | We Are Not Responsible

Published: Sept. 21, 2021, 11 p.m.

In this week's episode of The Get Lit Minute, your weekly poetry podcast, we spotlight Harryette Mullen, a poet and a professor of English at the University of California, Los Angeles. Mullen has said, \u201cwriting became important to me when I was very young. It was the only way I could communicate with my father after my parents were divorced. My mother believed in educating \u2018the whole child.\u2019 She made sure my sister and I always had books to read, and she somehow found money to pay for music and dance lessons. She also encouraged us to draw and write. My sense of poetry was awakened by the formal and informal, written and oral rhymes and rhythms of family, church, and school.\u201d

\u201cWe Are Not Responsible\u201d

We are not responsible for your lost or stolen relatives.\xa0

We cannot guarantee your safety if you disobey our instructions.\xa0

We do not endorse the causes or claims of people begging for handouts.\xa0

We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.\xa0


Your ticket does not guarantee that we will honor your reservations.\xa0

In order to facilitate our procedures, please limit your carrying on.\xa0

Before taking off, please extinguish all smoldering resentments.\xa0


If you cannot understand English, you will be moved out of the way.\xa0

In the event of a loss, you\u2019d better look out for yourself.\xa0

Your insurance was cancelled because we can no longer handle

your frightful claims. Our handlers lost your luggage and we

are unable to find the key to your legal case.\xa0


You were detained for interrogation because you fit the profile.\xa0

You are not presumed to be innocent if the police\xa0

have reason to suspect you are carrying a concealed wallet.\xa0

It\u2019s not our fault you were born wearing a gang color.\xa0

It is not our obligation to inform you of your rights.\xa0


Step aside, please, while our officer inspects your bad attitude.\xa0

You have no rights we are bound to respect.\xa0

Please remain calm, or we can\u2019t be held responsible\xa0

for what happens to you.

Read more about Mullen and her work at \xa0http://getlitanthology.org/poemdetail/77/

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