The Salt Wars

Published: Aug. 23, 2016, 1:09 a.m.

b'Salt is a magical substance. It reduces bitterness, enhances sweetness, boosts flavor, and preserves perishable foods. Without it, we would die: the human body can\\u2019t make sodium, but our nerves and muscles don\\u2019t work without it. It was considered rare until quite recently, so it\\u2019s hardly surprising that, throughout history, salt has been the engine behind empires and revolutions. Today, there\\u2019s a new battle in the salt wars, between those who think that we eat too much of it and it\\u2019s killing us\\u2014and those who think most of us are\\xa0just fine. Join us for a serving of salt, seasoned with science, history, and\\xa0a little politics.\\n\\n\\xa0\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'