fat ass

Published: March 21, 2010, 9:20 p.m.

b'Her\\nShe used to be fun,\\nWe hung out together all the time,\\nWe would talk for hours about nothing,\\nBut then HE came along,\\nShe made out with him once or twice.\\nShe was too blind to notice he was using her,\\nUntil it was too late,\\nBut I did notice from the start.\\nI told her but she didn\'t listen,\\nUntil he broke her heart.\\n\\nNow she acts different.\\nShe says it\'s because of him,\\nBut I know it\'s not true.\\nShe thinks she\'s mature because two people made out with her,\\nBut she doesn\'t act mature.\\nJust because she made out with someone,\\nIt doesn\'t make her mature.\\n\\nIf she was really mature she wouldn\'t have let a crush blind her from noticing HE was using her.\\nShe wouldn\'t tell me over and over "Well at least I can get a guy to make out with me, You can\'t."\\nShe makes me feel like I will never date anyone,\\nBesides people who don\'t even like me.\\n\\nNow she has a boyfriend who cares about her,\\nBut every time I want to hang out with her just me and her\\nHer boyfriend comes too.\\nIf we go up town, she invites him.\\nSo, I now feel like a third wheel,\\nAnd I\'m done with that.\\nI don\'t mind sometimes, but every time is too much.\\nI want time for it to be like it was,\\nJust me and her hanging out talking for hours about nothing and maybe hanging out with some of our other girl friends.\\nI wish that could happen.\\nShe use to be fun, but now she has changed.'