The story of three pivots and growth management. By Koby Conrad from Rupa Health.

Published: April 1, 2022, 12:23 a.m.


Koby Conrad, Head of Growth at Rupa Health and Founder of Channels of Growth talks about his experience building a company and pivoting 3 times. He also explains what growth management looks like and who should be dealing with that field.
\\nKoby\'s LinkedIn:
\\nSubscribe to Channels of Growth here:
\\nCourse on fundraising by Fundraising Radio team:
\\nRupa Health\'s site:



Some topics we have covered in this episode:


- what does your day-to-day as a growth manager look like?
\\n- what do you think are the essential skills for a good growth manager to make growth really happen and to run a successful growth team?
\\n- you were previously a founder, your company got into YC and then you\'ve raised $2 million for a completely different company, why did you decide to pivot?
\\n- how much of the current knowledge of the growth management field did you have back then?
