Raising $200k through a Twitter post. By Alex Simon with Elude

Published: Dec. 5, 2021, 6:53 p.m.


Alex Simon, CEO Co-Founder of Elude in this episode talks about the new strategies that modern founders can employ while fundraising for their startups. We also spoke about some key things that founders should have on hand before starting to raise and about other things that I forgot to write down.


Alex\' LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexnsimon/


Elude website: https://elude.co/


Episode with the founder of DocSend: https://www.fundraisingradio.com/Russ-Heddleston/


70% off (for less than a month) Fundraising Radio\'s course on how to get in front of investors: https://bit.ly/FRpodcast101
