Lawyer free and charge free fundraising tool - Party Round. By Jordi Hays

Published: Jan. 26, 2022, 11:47 p.m.


Jordi Hays, Co-Founder & CEO at Party Round in this episode talks about the legal side of fundraising and how it looks like now VS what it actually should be. We\'ve also discussed the need for actual lawyers in some fundraising rounds and the importance of friends and family round in a life of a startup.


Jordi\'s email for those who want to skip the line of over 30k users and use Party Round now: 


Jordi\'s LinekedIn:


And of course, Party Round\'s website:


Our course on fundraising for early stage startups can be found here for only $19.99:



Here are some of the questions asked in this episode:


- you\'ve mentioned the importance of social capital in fundraising - how does partyround help with that?
\\n- many founders try to avoid raising from friends of family out of fear of ruining relationships, do you think it\'s worth the risk?
\\n- many of our listeners are already over the friends and family round, is partyround applicable to later stages or do you recommend founders to reach out to lawyers to draft more custom documentation?
\\n- you\'ve mentioned that you\'ve gone viral numerous times on twitter, how did you do this? Was it worth it?
\\n- pricing of partyround. It seems like you\'ve taken the non-traditional approach to your go-to-market strategy, how did it help you with your fundraising?
\\n- you\'ve raised from a16z, how long did it take you to close the round and how did this process look like?
