How to invest in wine and how Vinovest itself raised money. By Anthony Zhang

Published: Feb. 5, 2022, 9:12 p.m.


Anthony Zhang, Co-founder and CEO at Vinovest talks about how his company helps "regular" people invest in wine - an asset class that was previously only accessible to the wealthy people with free time on their hands. He also spoke about their most recent Series A and how they had to change their business model to close the round successfully.


Anthony\'s LinkedIn:


Link to Vinovest that will get you 3 months of no management fees: (this episode is not sponsored by Vinovest and the referral link yields no commissions for Fundraising Radio)


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Some of the questions covered in this episode:


- tell us a little bit more about how vinovest operate
\\n- you said that your series A was much easier than seed, why is that?
\\n- when you "removed yourself from the day to day operations" in order to raise  series A, who replaced you?
\\n- on our pre-interview you\'ve mentioned that you got a few counter-offers on your initial round in series A, how did you manage to do that?
\\n- why didn\'t you follow the same strategy for your Seed?
\\n- how did your pre-seed round go compared to the two following?
\\n- you said that on your series A you had to switch your customer acquisition model and switch from the organic to paid, why is that?
\\n- when did this transition happen and how do you feel about it
