Got no traction yet? CEO of Airdas will tell you what steps to take to get it.

Published: Jan. 21, 2020, 3:10 a.m.


In this episode of Fundraising Radio our speaker was Farmon Akmalov, co-founder and CEO of a Latvian company - Airdas, who recently moved to the US and now is growing his startup here. He went through incubator, pre-accelerator and accelerator and in this episode explains the difference between these three and also shares his vision on why he thinks such programs make more sense for young startups than angel investors.


In this episode you can find:
\\n- differences between accelerator, pre-accelerator and incubator
\\n- who should join such programs
\\n- moving your company to the US from abroad
\\n- getting first traction
\\n- what support does UCLA offer to its students who are becoming founders
\\n- and many more topics which I won\'t list here as no one really reads this.


Website of Airdas:
