3Bn fund - Viola, largest VC in Israel, how do they operate and what do they like to invest in? By Omry Ben David

Published: Aug. 28, 2021, 3:35 p.m.


Omry Ben David, General Partner at Viola talks about investing in Israel and Israeli founders all over the globe and why it seems to be working than most other demographics. We also discussed how does Viola Ventures work and why is it spread over 4 funds and how do they cooperate. 


Omry\'s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/omry-ben-david-2436371/


Viola\'s site: https://www.viola-group.com/fund/violaventures/


Another episode of Fundraising Radio about Israeli founders: Why invest in Israel and how do Israeli founders expand to the US? By Cynthia Phitoussi
