FYR006 Principle Five Income Producing Assets

Published: April 22, 2020, 8:30 a.m.


Fund Your Retirement Five Principles

This is the fifth and final principle for funding your retirement,\\xa0Income Producing Assets\\xa0\\xa0

Income-producing\\xa0assets\\xa0are\\xa0the ability to generate a regular income for yourself after expenses, such as rental properties, stocks, bonds, land, and businesses.\\xa0

Funding your retirement\\xa0is not just about\\xa0quitting\\xa0work, although it\\xa0probably\\xa0is for many of you, to me,\\xa0it\\xa0is\\xa0about choice, you can choose to continue working or choose a different path\\xa0if you wish.\\xa0

Income-producing assets are an opportunity for you to generate a steady income over time. They\\xa0are investments in properties and businesses that generate consistent reoccurring revenue and are at the opposite end of the scale to speculative assets\\xa0

Depending\\xa0on what stage you are at in life, you can reinvest the income generated from your investments into more revenue-producing assets.\\xa0\\xa0

This allows you to harness the power of compounding returns, further accelerating your path to Retirement Prosperity.\\xa0

Scott Cook founder of Intuit\\xa0said,\\xa0

\\u201cToday,\\xa0people have to be self-reliant if they want to secure a retirement income.\\u201d\\xa0
