167thEpi - GW15 to 29 review - Will FPL ever come back?

Published: March 26, 2020, 12:01 a.m.

b"167thEpi - GW15 to 29 review - Will FPL ever come back?\\nThis week's guest is another regular on the FPL Surgery, runs his own successful FPL YouTube channel with 14 thousand subscribers and he has 4 top 25k finishes within the last 4 years JNO from FPL Today\\n\\nWe take a look back at the last 15 GW\\u2019s of this season as we look at stats, fixtures and gloss over what to do with our transfers at the moment.\\n\\nThe Iceman\\u2019s quiz is also back again so tune in! \\n\\n#UpThePod\\n\\nMikkel Tokvam Patreon = https://www.patreon.com/TransferAlgorithm\\nFantasyfootballhub.co.uk - SURGERY10 for 10% off\\n\\nwww.patreon.com/Fplsurgery\\ntwitter.com/fplsurgery\\nwww.fplsurgery.com\\nwww.facebook.com/fplsurgery\\nTwitter - @FPLSurgery\\nEmail - info@fplsurgery.com"