S1E11 - Why Travel Around the World To Help Another Farmer?

Published: April 20, 2019, 3:14 p.m.


Things that many of us take for granted here in Canada are real-life struggles for millions in other parts of the world. Having enough food to eat, having a place to sell a product, having a safe place to sleep or wondering about the safety of your next meal. There are many projects that Canadians undertake globally to help those in need, but we wanted to focus on three of them that were helping farmers and helping feed & build up communities with some great success.
\\nIn this episode,
\\nStewart Skinner: https://twitter.com/modernfarmer
\\nDonations for his project can be made at: https://www.gofundme.com/mwaita-coop-poultry-project
\\nTim Lambert: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tim-lambert-82610550/?originalSubdomain=ca
\\nDonations for their project can be made at: https://www.heartforafrica.ca/project-canaan-egg-project/
\\nDeb Stark: https://twitter.com/debstark1
