The Surprising Blessings of an Unplanned Pregnancy

Published: April 15, 2024, 12:03 p.m.


If your family is dealing with an unplanned pregnancy, it can be a very difficult time, with lots of emotions and potential outcomes.\\xa0In this Focus on the Family chapel message, a winsome mother-daughter team share how an unplanned pregnancy rocked their world, the confusion that resulted, and how the daughter found strength through biblical counseling at a local pregnancy resource center. Ultimately, the baby was adopted by an extended family member and is growing up delighted to have an \\u2018extra\\u2019 mom.


Your gift to support our Option Ultrasound program will equip pregnancy medical clinics across the country with ultrasound machines, resources, and sonography training for nurses, so that a mother considering abortion can see her baby, hear that tiny heartbeat . . . and be moved to choose life. Give now, and we\\u2019ll say thanks with a copy of the book Joy Will Come: Exchange Shame for Redemption plus free audio download of \\u201cThe Surprising Blessings of an Unplanned Pregnancy\\u201d


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