Jim Gowans - Trilogy Metals #4688

Published: March 9, 2020, 8:17 p.m.

Trilogy's Arctic Project - Ambler Mining District, has been dreamed phase for decades. The deposit includes vast amounts of copper, zinc, lead, gold and silver. There was just one problem, it's a remote stranded asset. Developing this mine has always been contingent upon building a 211 mile long road, which would connect it to the Dawson Highway. This would allow the vast riches to be transported to market. However, even though the road was specifically allowed by legislation, there was no political will to build. With lower oil prices and decreased production, that's all changed. Alaska is looking for new sources of revenue and so is NANA, a native regional corporation that is a partner in the project. It's a case of win-win-win. Trilogy wins because they get to develop these potentially profitable resources. The State wins because it gets added revenues and NANA wins because it gets a share of the profits and its members get jobs.  Interim President and CEO Jim Gowans has spent his life developing these remote high value projects. He's expecting imminent approval of the Environmental Impact, which will allow road construction to begin, thus enabling the mine to finally come on line. This will be a game changer for all interested parties, especially the Trilogy's shareholders.