BONUS: Investing Q&A

Published: July 7, 2022, 6:46 p.m.

b'Is now really the best time to be investing? Why are women investing at lower rates than men? What do I actually DO with the money after I open a Roth IRA? What if I \\u201close it all\\u201d? If these questions have plagued you over the last few months or even years, this episode is for you. Tori is joined by Treasury co-founder, Elias Rothblatt to tackle money myths and answer voicemails from the Financial Feminist community with their biggest investing questions. We also officially introduce you to Treasury, the one-of-a-kind investing and education platform designed with women in mind.\\n\\nPre-Order \\u201cFinancial Feminist: Overcome the Patriarchy\\u2019s Bullsh*t to Master Your Money and Build a Life You Love\\u201d:\\n\\nAbortion resources:\\n\\xa0\\n\\nOur HYSA recommendation [affiliate]:\\n\\n\\nJoin Investing 101 to get access to Treasury:\\n\\xa0\\n\\n\\xa0Episode show notes:\\n\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\nFollow us on YouTube for behind-the-scenes and extras:\\n\\n\\xa0\\nFollow Financial Feminist on Instagram:\\n\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\nFollow Her First $100K on TikTok:\\n\\n\\xa0\\nFollow Her First $100K on Instagram:\\n\\n\\xa0\\nLooking for more actionable money advice? Take our FREE money personality quiz!\\n\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\nLeave Financial Feminist a voicemail:\\n\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'