74. Life Insurance 101 with Ladder

Published: March 2, 2023, 10 a.m.

b'If you\\u2019re already queasy seeing today\\u2019s title \\u2013\\u2013 we\\u2019d invite you to push through. Whenever we talk about life insurance, we\\u2019re inevitably met with some resistance to talk about the hard subject of death \\u2013\\u2013 but as Ladder\\u2019s Janette Angelini shares with us in this episode, Life Insurance is one of the most selfless things you can to for the loved ones in your life. That doesn\\u2019t stop there from being \\u201cbad\\u201d ways to look at life insurance. Today, Tori and Janette discuss the basics of life insurance, how to avoid scams (we\\u2019re looking at you, universal life), and why you need to consider this valuable service sooner rather than later.\\n\\nLearn more about our guests, read transcripts, and get additional resources on our show notes page: www.financialfeministpodcast.com\\n\\nLearn more about Ladder (affiliate link): https://ladder.pxf.io/herfirst100k\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices'