69. I Don't Have a Debit Card

Published: Feb. 2, 2023, 10 a.m.

b'If you\\u2019ve been influenced by the D*ve R*mseys of the world to believe that credit cards are evil, you might be missing out on one of the best money tools. Like any tool, knowing how to use it properly is the key. Today, Tori sits down to share why she\\u2019s never used a debit card and instead pays her way through life on credit cards \\u2013\\u2013 earning rewards and points WITHOUT going into debt.\\xa0\\n\\nNot sure which card is right for you? We have recommendations for everyone at www.herfirst100k.com/tools\\n\\nLearn more, read transcripts, and get additional resources on our show notes page: www.financialfeministpodcast.com\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices'