43. Sneaky Ways Companies Keep You in Debt

Published: Sept. 15, 2022, 9 a.m.

b'Paying off debt is hard enough \\u2013\\u2013 add in companies who keep you in the dark and try to make it harder for you to get ahead on your payments, and it can feel like a neverending hole. Today, host Tori Dunlap is taking you through how companies use confusing language and sneaky practices to keep you in debt longer while they line their pockets. In this episode, you\\u2019ll learn the script for getting through these barriers so you can start digging yourself out of debt faster.\\n\\nLearn more about our guests, read episode transcripts, get resources from the show, and more on our show notes page: https://herfirst100k.com/financial-feminist-show-notes/debt-payoff-hack\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices'