S04.19: Passion by Lisa Valdez: The Romance Equivalent of "I Have an Extra Stomach for Dessert"

Published: Jan. 12, 2022, 9 a.m.

b'On this episode, we\\u2019re talking about a historical that we like to think of as the full banana. A descriptor which, now that we\\u2019re typing it, really covers a lot of ground. It\\u2019s Passion week \\u2014 we\\u2019re talking about how Lisa Valdez shook up the traditional historical world in 2005 when she released this erotic historical featuring a widow and a dude who has an extremely large\\u2026you know. We talk about what it means for a romance to be erotic and about how this might also be inspirational. We also talk about this as a marker of a significant shift in the content of romance novels, and ask some questions about basic anatomy. Headphones on for this one, y\\u2019all!'