Episode 46 Family Dinner

Published: Jan. 17, 2024, 5:34 p.m.

b'The crew leaves behind all their troubles and strife on Absalom station as they head out into the vastness. They get to enjoy a little bit of downtime, each other\\u2019s company, and even a movie before they make their way to their dream resort vacation!\\n\\nIf you enjoy the show, help us out by joining our Patreon at fantasticworlds.cash for bonus episodes, behind-the-scenes content, and more. \\n\\nAll caught up on Far Beyond the Stars? We\\u2019re part of the Fantastic Worlds Productions podcasting network and have all the tabletop RPG, fantasy, and pop culture content you need to scratch that actual play podcast-shaped hole in your commute. Visit us at fantasticworldspod.com\\n\\nGM \\u2013 Abbie Lammel (@bonanzafamine)\\nFriday Francisco \\u2013 Dustin Alexander (@dustinalexander)\\nMiss Fanny \\u2013 Angel Espinoza (@espinoza916)\\nBallad Serenade \\u2013 Jess Negin (@hanktheclank)\\nSeren Casurus \\u2013 Heidi Owens (@vamihilion)\\n\\nHelp us out by subscribing to our podcast and reviewing us on Apple Podcasts/Stitcher/Apple Podcasts or anywhere else you can leave a review. Help spread the word: tell friends who you think might enjoy a new actual play podcast (real friends subscribe to new podcasts on their friend\\u2019s phones) and post about us on social media using the hashtag #worldstraveler.\\n\\nThank you for listening!'